Introduction............................................................................................. 2
Software........................................................................................... 5
Calibration Procedures............................................................................ 6
Connecting Your Calibrator, DMM, and NI 5102........................... 6
Running the Calibration Executive Procedure................................. 6
Viewing the Calibration Report....................................................... 7
Technical Support Resources.................................................................. 8
NI Web Support............................................................................... 8
Worldwide Support.......................................................................... 8
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Copyright © 2001 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved.
April 2001
Equipment and Other Test Requirements
This section describes the equipment, documentation, software, and test
conditions needed for calibration.
Test Equipment
Tables 1 and 2 list specifications for equipment you can use to calibrate
your NI 5102 with Calibration Executive.
Recommended Equipment
Table 1 lists the equipment that National Instruments recommends for this
Table 1. Required Equipment Specifications for NI 5102 Calibration
Necessary Specifications
Vertical Offset
Vertical Gain
0 VDC 0.1 mV
DC 40 mV to 4.5 V, 0.1%
into 1 M Ω
AC Coupling
sine wave 9–13 Hz 100 ppm,
1.8 Vpp 2% into 1 MΩ
Scope Calibrator
Wavetek 9500
Scope Calibrator
1.5% amplitude flatness
for leveled sine wave
100 kHz–15 MHz 50 ppm,
0.2–1.9 Vpp 2% into 1 MΩ
Input Impedance
2-wire resistance accuracy of
0.25% for 1 MΩ measurement
Active Head
Wavetek 9510
Active Head or
If you do not have the recommended instruments, use the accuracy
requirements listed above to select a substitute calibration standard.
Refer to Table 2 for a list of alternative instruments you can use for the
calibration procedure. Although these instruments are acceptable,
National Instruments recommends that you use the instruments from
Table 1.
© National Instruments Corporation
Calibrating the NI 5102 with Calibration Executive
Alternative Equipment
Table 2 contains a list of alternative equipment you can use to calibrate
your NI 5102 with Calibration Executive.
Table 2. Alternative Equipment Specifications for NI 5102 Calibration
Necessary Specifications
Vertical Offset
Vertical Gain
0 VDC 0.1 mV
Fluke 5700
DC 40 mV to 4.5 V, 0.1%
into 1 MΩ
AC Coupling
sine wave 9–13 Hz 100 ppm,
1.8 Vpp 2% into 1 MΩ
High-Speed Signal
Tektronix SG503
1.5% amplitude flatness
for leveled sine wave
100 kHz–15 MHz 50 ppm,
0.2–1.9 Vpp 2% into 1 MΩ
HP 34401
Input Impedance
2-wire resistance accuracy of
0.25% for 1 MΩ measurement
If you are using the Wavetek 9500 and the Active Head, you do not need
special connectors.
If you are using the alternative instruments listed in Table 2, you need the
following connection equipment:
50 Ω BNC cable
50 Ω BNC terminator
BNC T-connector
This section describes the documentation you need to calibrate your 5102
device. In addition to this calibration procedure, you may need to refer to
the following documents:
NI-SCOPE Instrument Driver Quick Reference Guide
Where to Start with Your NI 5102 Oscilloscope
NI 5102 User Manual
You can download these documents from the National Instruments Web site
Calibrating the NI 5102 with Calibration Executive
Complete the following steps to install Calibration Executive:
1. Make sure that your computer and monitor are powered on and
that you have installed Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x.
2. Close all open applications.
3. Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive.
4. Choose the Run option from the Start menu on the desktop task bar.
5. In the command line box, type x:\setup.exe(where x is the letter
of the CD-ROM drive you are using), and click OK.
6. Follow the instructions that appear in the dialog boxes.
The setup program installs Calibration Executive as well as
the associated files listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Calibration Executive Directories and Supporting Files
Directory Name
CalExec\Procedures\NI 5102\Limits
CalExec\Procedures\NI 5102\Support Files
CalExec\Procedures\NI 5102\Support Files
Test Conditions
Microsoft Access database that
stores the calibration limits.
Directory structure that contains the
calibration procedures.
Required support files.
Follow these guidelines to optimize the connections and the environment
during calibration:
Keep connections to the NI 5102 short. Long cables and wires act as
antennae, picking up extra noise that can affect measurements.
Use a 50 Ω BNC coaxial cable for all connections to the device.
Keep relative humidity between 10 and 90%, noncondensing,
or consult your device hardware manual for the optimum relative
Maintain the temperature at 25 °C.
Allow a warm-up time of at least 15 minutes to ensure that the
measurement circuitry of the 5102 is at a stable operating temperature.
© National Instruments Corporation
Calibrating the NI 5102 with Calibration Executive
Calibration Procedures
This section explains how to set up and run the Calibration Executive
Using the Wavetek 9500 in automated mode, the calibration procedure
takes approximately ten minutes. In manual mode, the procedure takes
approximately 30 minutes.
Using the alternative instruments in automated mode, the calibration
procedure takes approximately 20 minutes. In manual mode, the procedure
takes approximately 40 minutes.
Connecting Your Calibrator, DMM, and NI 5102
The calibration procedure steps you through the connections between the
calibrator, function generator, DMM, and NI 5102.
Note You do not need a function generator or a DMM if you are using the Wavetek 9500.
Running the Calibration Executive Procedure
To run the Calibration Executive calibration procedure, complete the
following steps:
1. Launch Calibration Executive and follow the instructions in the in the
Calibration Configuration Wizard to load the NI 5102 calibration
procedure. Refer to Chapter 1, Introduction to Calibration Executive,
in the Calibration Executive Software User Manual if you need more
information on configuring and loading a calibration procedure.
2. When prompted by Calibration Executive, enter information about the
installed hardware, such as the calibrator, function generator, and
Note If you are using the Wavetek 9500, you will not need a function generator or a
DMM, so you can leave noneselected in the list boxes for Selected Generator
Information, Selected DMM Information, and Available Addresses. You must also
enter N/A in the appropriate fields for the tracking numbers and calibration due dates
before you can proceed. The calibration report does not include any of this extra
information if you are using the Wavetek 9500.
3. When the procedure is loaded, click Run Procedure to begin. The
procedure prompts you to enter the device number, which is the
number assigned by Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
4. Follow any instructions you receive from Calibration Executive.
Calibrating the NI 5102 with Calibration Executive
Viewing the Calibration Report
When the procedure is finished, complete the following steps to view the
calibration report:
1. Click View»Reports.
2. Select View to launch your browser and view your report. The
calibration report appears as an printable HTML file.
You have completed calibrating your NI 5102 with Calibration Executive.
Note If your NI 5102 device fails after calibration, return the device to National
Instruments for repair or replacement.
© National Instruments Corporation
Calibrating the NI 5102 with Calibration Executive
Technical Support Resources
NI Web Support
National Instruments Web support is your first stop for help in solving
installation, configuration, and application problems and questions. Online
problem-solving and diagnostic resources include frequently asked
questions, knowledge bases, product-specific troubleshooting wizards,
manuals, drivers, software updates, and more. Web support is available
through the Technical Support section of
Worldwide Support
National Instruments has offices located around the world to help address
your support needs. You can access our branch office Web sites from the
Worldwide Offices section of Branch office Web sites provide
up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, e-mail addresses,
and current events.
If you have searched the technical support resources on our Web site
and still cannot find the answers you need, contact your local office or
National Instruments corporate. For telephone support in the United States,
dial 512 795 8248. For telephone support outside the United States, contact
your local branch office:
Australia 03 9879 5166, Austria 0662 45 79 90 0, Belgium 02 757 00 20,
Brazil 011 284 5011, Canada (Calgary) 403 274 9391,
Canada (Ottawa) 613 233 5949, Canada (Québec) 514 694 8521,
Canada (Toronto) 905 785 0085, China (Shanghai) 021 6555 7838,
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Switzerland 056 200 51 51, Taiwan 02 2528 7227,
United Kingdom 01635 523545
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